Daz In The Hat Radio

Community Interest Company

Rather work in the background -

Listen to music you love & discover music you've never heard before

Daz In The Hat Radio does not promote hate speech or discrimination

Daz In The Hat Radio is passionate about supporting independent, unsigned artists.

Click HERE to find out how to submit your music

Daz In The Hat Radio is entirely Not For Profit - You can support us in several ways

Find Out More

PRS Licence Funded By

GER (Green Eyed Records)

Brought to you by seasoned as well as new presenters far & wide

Spot a problem with the schedule?

Email Us: radio@dazinthehat.com

And Receive a digital album as a thank you

If you have an issue with any show email us on:


All those with justified concerns will receive a digital album as an apology

Daz In The Hat Radio is on the lookout for new & experienced presenters

Website, Scheduling, Editing, Social Media?

Two New Presenters

Daz In The Hat Radio is delighted to announce 3 new shows have been added to our schedule:

Plowzone Radio Show | Global Indies With Marky PRMP Show | Global Indies With Marky's Mix

Visit our schedule for more details

Support Unsigned Artists

Daz In The Hat Radio is a big supporter of unsigned artists. One of the many ways you can discover awesome independent singers & bands is by purchasing their music rather than streaming.

Here are a few we feature on the station:

Nick Cody | Fiddlin' Momma | Littmus Steam Band | Aled Hughes | The Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican